What is Cloud Gaming? The Gaming Revolution 2023

Over the last few years, the concept of cloud computing has exploded into the mainstream. You may have even heard of cloud gaming, an innovative technology that allows you to stream video games to your computer or gaming console without having to download large gaming files or store anything on your hard drive.

Instead of buying a high-end PC or a gaming console, you can stream a game online on your PC, Console or any display you own with cloud gaming.

But what exactly is cloud gaming? And how does it work? Read on to learn more about this exciting new technology that’s changing the way gamers think about and play video games, and what it might mean for you and your business.

What is Cloud Gaming?

What is cloud gaming? A game on a server, not on your device. You play through an internet connection.

Games are streamed to you from one of many providers – Sony Playstation Now, Microsoft Xbox Live, NVIDIA GeForce Now, Google Stadia, and others – instead of downloading them from a store or loading them onto your device.

All you need is a good internet connection, to get the gaming information from the remote servers in data centres to your App or browser installed on your device. The game is rendered and played on the server, but you can see and interact with it on your device.

It is just like a Video Streaming Platform such as Netflix or YouTube, where the video plays on the remote server. But the only difference is you can interact and the video stream coming from a remote server can take all your inputs and react according to them.

Cloud gaming is a relatively new development in the gaming industry, and it’s changing the business of gaming.


Well, for starters, more people than ever are playing their favourite games over the internet rather than on their PC or console. With cloud gaming, you can play your favourite games even when they aren’t available on your gaming console — or any other device — because they’re not actually stored on your computer.

You don’t need to buy an RTX series or Graphic Card or Xbox Series or PlayStation 5. With cloud gaming, all you need to have is a fast and reliable internet connection.

How Does Cloud Gaming Work?

To understand how cloud gaming works, it’s first important to know how streaming technology works.

Cloud gaming is essentially a computer connected to the internet that streams games from servers through an online service such as Steam or Xbox Live.

There are two main components of a cloud gaming system: servers that store digital assets for game usage and clients that access those assets in order to stream games on demand. The client can be anything from a PC, Mac, smartphone or tablet.

The server-client arrangement between providers of both hardware infrastructure and software support enables game streamers to play modern video games across different platforms on any device.

Many cloud servers require a subscription plan on a monthly or yearly basis to access the content. In simple, traffic from your gaming servers is streamed to an audience that pays for access. And just like in all other industries, there are ups and downs involved with this new approach to game publishing.

In most cases, the cloud services are dedicated to web-based apps to stream games. For example, Google Stadia is played through the web app. Google also has web-based apps to play Stadia for iOS and Android. It makes it quite easy for gamers to play their favourite game with just a click.

Major Benefits of Cloud Gaming

Cloud gaming services offer a number of benefits for gamers.

No Need to Download

The most obvious benefit of cloud gaming services is that gamers can play games without needing to download or install anything on their device.

This convenience allows players to switch back and forth between different games in seconds, as opposed to having to spend hours downloading one game or navigating through a series of menus.

No Need to Speed Money

Cloud gaming services also provide players with an opportunity to try out new games without having to spend money upfront.

This makes it possible for gamers to sample new games before committing to them, which may not be possible with traditional consoles that require purchasing physical copies of the game.

No Need for High-End Devices

The main goal of cloud gaming is to eliminate the dependency on one central location.

Cloud gaming is designed to be fast and efficient for gamers in comparison to normal computers due to the reduction in hardware needed.

This translates into a more comfortable play experience for individuals who may not have a computer capable enough to handle the graphics and settings necessary for connecting with newer titles or even online multiplayer gaming.

Plus, cloud gaming providers often offer subscription-based pricing models that allow players to access all available titles at a reduced cost per month than what they would otherwise cost if purchased individually.

Top Cloud Gaming Services

There are lots of cloud gaming services available but here are the 3 most famous cloud gaming services.

NVIDIA GeForce Now

GeForce Now provides a wholesome gaming experience with low lag input but it requires a strong and reliable internet connection for smooth gaming.

Most cloud gaming services come with their gaming library to buy individual games. GeForce does not give you that option. In Fact, it works on the games that you already own on Steam, Epic Games Store, Uplay and other gaming platforms.

As a free user, you’ll be limited to playing a game for an hour with the games you already own. But if you are a paid user, the playing session time extends to six hours.

GeForce lets you play the game at the maximum resolution of 1080p at 60 FPS. The application is supported by a major spectrum of hardware including Android, Mac and iOS.

Google Stadia

Google Stadia is a gaming console in the cloud. The service is free but you need to buy games through their library and pay for a monthly rental that includes handpicked titles.

Stadia can run through mobile applications on Android devices and web browsers and all devices like Mac, iOS and others.

Stadia Controller is a feature of Google Stadia to enhance your cloud gaming experience. You can connect Stadia Controller with your Android device and enjoy a console-like experience.

You can find popular gaming titles in Stadia’s library such as Assassin’s Creed, Cyberpunk 2077, Watch Dogs and much more. You can also extend your library with Ubisoft’s add-on, to add several Ubisoft games to your gaming library.

Amazon Luna

Amazon Luna is relatively a new cloud gaming service. Luna comes with a limited gaming library and the best gaming experience.

Amazon Luna is available on almost all devices like Windows PC, Mac, Fire TV and Tablets, iOS and Android devices. It also supports web-based gameplay, but you can enhance your gaming experience with Luna Controller.

Luna Controller connects directly to game servers while playing on Luna and gives better control to the player. It can reduce latency and avoid input lag.

Why it will be the Future of Video Gaming?

Cloud gaming is the future of video games. With cloud gaming, gamers will be able to play any game on any device without needing to download it or wait for a physical copy to ship. 

Instead, users use a remote server to play video games at high speeds. This allows gamers to play titles without worrying about storage space or having the hardware necessary for high-quality graphics. Plus, it ensures that they’re never limited by their own hardware specs when they want to get in on the latest game craze!

This will change the landscape of video games by enabling players to access their favourite games regardless of what platform they’re playing on. They’ll also be able to rent out their favourite games rather than buy them in order to save money while still being able to play the latest releases.

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